Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tree Hugging Time

Noted Thanksgiving, Pinehurst NC:

I hugged a tree tonight. It was a great hug. I felt a little strange at first, but it was just me, and the Tall Pines.  Need I say more?
What strength.  What straightness.  What warmth.  I remember one of my most favorite people on this whole planet, Greg Samata, once hugged my vintage refrigerator. He wrapped his arms around it and squeezed.  This place of the Tall Pines is sacred.  I am thrilled to be here.  And I love that tree. Enough to hug it to pieces.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Lovely Lunch!

I had the great pleasure of reconnecting with Francina's son Bill, and his lovely wife Nancy (both are featured in Stay For Lunch) after not seeing them for over eighteen years.   I was struck how much Bill favored his mother, it was almost as if I were looking across the table into my friend's bright eyes. I was amazed how neither seemed to have aged a bit.  I guess grand parenting and living life large agrees with them.  We shared many laughs, Francina stories, and caught up on all the young ones in our lives who have aged along with us.  Nancy regaled the table with tales of her daughter-in-law, who is expecting her seventh child this month. She recently visited their mountainside home and found the mom camping (for the adventure of it!) by the side of their creek with her six other children all bent on getting water boiling, in order to cook breakfast. They are a colorful family.  Even though I've met few personally, they feel familiar to me since Francina shared many of their escapades during our visits.  I hope to meet more along the way and definitely will not wait another eighteen years before I see dear Nancy and Bill again. An added bonus to the visit was their son Clarke, who chose to join us.   Francina was a major beacon in his life and I look forward to sharing thoughts about her influences and inspirations with him.  Towards the end of our visit, I commented on how Francina would have loved our lunch, and we all agreed that we felt her smiling with us.  Next update, Francina and Anne hit the streets of Manhattan.  Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Top Pick!' per Midwest Book Review!

'Stay For Lunch' received a 'top pick, highly recommended' review in the October online issue of Midwest Book Review.  (Please see link below)  A happy honor indeed!

Biography Shelf

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time for Tea.

I really don't like the word 'blog'. It sounds like the combination of several bodily functions gone awry. The concept of 'Notes to Myself' is pleasing to me, so that is what I will be posting from now on-
Note to Myself: Sometimes you find the most unexpected treasures in your own back yard. Enter the Angel Museum in Beloit, Wisconsin ( I had the pleasure on national 'Be An Angel" day to be the featured guest of their lovely annual, full Victorian Tea. If you know me, you know that I am crazy for a tea sandwhich done right. And they were crazy about the angel qualities in Stay for Lunch, so it was a perfect pairing. We were in the 'Heavenly Cafe' which is nestled in well-tended, lovingly cared for gardens below the 14,000 angels housed in the reclaimed brick 1920's 0ld church on the shores of the Rock River. (Oprah's collection is housed there.)The volunteer 'angels' of the museum know their Tea. It was perfection.

But my favorite part of this unexpected road trip with Francina, as experienced yesterday, is the stories shared when groups, large and small, gather to chat with me about life lessons gleaned from the book (see bookmarks, on home page, I'm amazed by the commonalities in the twists and turns life offers each of us. We had many laughs over tea and shared experiences, (I was positioned between the savories and dessert, so we kept it moving!) and I also saw many eyes brimming with tears, mine included. A truly delightful, genuine, intimate gathering of what became, new friends. Thank you Angel Museum for being here and for thinking of Stay For Lunch and for having me to Tea.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sandwich anyone?

I have recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by a couple of radio stations regarding Stay For Lunch. I joined Stacy McKay on The River in Ohio and Mary in The Morning on YOU-FM out of Traverse City Michigan. Radio is a challenge for me. I tend to not find my words as quickly as I would like, especially at 6:OO AM! But gaining the experience is fun. The topic on the show prior to my visit with Mary was 'The Sandwich Generation', the challenges we face simultaneously taking care of both our families and elderly parents. I am definitely part of this phenom and last night after a particiuarily discouraging evening with my parents had a quiet contemplation and came up with this thought: If more of us made the effort to befriend people of different generations and spend time with and help these friends and enjoy these friendships as Francina and I experienced, we might not need a term such as 'The Sandwich Generation'. By sharing a sandwich with Francina on a regular basis, perhaps I helped ease her children's minds on their Mother's well being, at least over the lunch hour! Maybe it takes a village to raise a grandparent as well.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Greetings! Just learned that my 'contact' button on my website has not been working quite right.
My feelings were becoming a little hurt because I never heard from all those people who promised to email me from my website so I did a little test and discovered I've been unattached.
Darn it. Anyway, if by chance, you are someone who did try to reach me, to comment on the book or just say 'hey' please try again! Love to hear from you. best. a.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's a Gold!

Greetings after a little book hiatus. After finding out that my medal was indeed a sole Gold IPPY awarded in the inspirational/spiritual category of the Independent Book Publishers awards (the category with the most number of entrants), I returned to New York with my friends Jeanne and Dawn (team Anne we called ourselves) to attend the spectacular IPPY awards event. What fun to meet other IPPY recipients and learn of the fabulous books that independent publishers produce each year. I was proud to be in such fine company and compliment the event organizers and judges who commit so much time and attention to recognizing our efforts. And I must admit the gold sticker looks pretty darn good on my book.

Since then I've been enjoying some quiet time at my cottage on Pleasant Lake as I plan for the next phase of introducing Stay For Lunch to the world-at-large. Stay tuned for more info on that front. And it was my pleasure to chat with a Pleasant Lake Book Club in the 1920's one room lake cottage that belonged to my mother-in-law, Kathryn Goodwin who was a dear friend, inspiration and first fan of my writing attempts. We had a lovely discussion centered around my 'Francina's Calling' bookmarks. People actually told me the experience was life changing for them. Francina would have been thrilled to hear that her simple messages are still making ripples and shining light on peoples' lives. This is fun.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


May is turning out to be an incredibly exciting month around the Goodwin household. We are off to NYC to witness our 18 year-old son, Rob's, performance in the Essentially Ellington Jazz Festival at Jazz at Lincoln Center under the tutelage of the famed and revered Wynton Marsalis.
Next for me it is a mini book tour from Virginia to North Carolina (watch out, if you say it out loud it might come true!) and then the icing on the cake is a return trip to NYC to receive either a bronze, silver or gold (they all look bright and shiny to me) medal in the Independent Book Publishers' award, otherwise known as an IPPY, in the Inspirational/Spiritual category. What fun. The real pleasure is thinking of Francina and the opportunities unfolding ahead that are allowing me to share the 'life lesson' gifts she not only bestowed upon me but insisted that I continue to pass on. As she put it, "We have alot of work to do girls' and this is a challenge that I am honored to fulfill.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It'a been great fun to introduce my little book to the world. thanks to all who came to the 'happy book' party at kevin and becky's fabulous home...really 'magazine cover' level of entertaining. please visit my website at for further information on purchasing 'stay for lunch'. best. a.
December 17, 2008 10:57 PM
pleasurable pause press said...
Last week we were fortunate to introduce 'Stay For Lunch' to the guests and staff at the resort/spa Miraval outside of Tuscon. It was a great week of author's sharing their books and writing experiences. Hopefully we will be invited to return! For more info visit
December 31, 2008 6:02 PM
pleasurable pause press said...
Turkish Imports, Beloit's fabulous world class boutique will host a book signing evening for 'Stay For Lunch' Thursday, February 12th. I am honored and excited. It is always such a 'great explore' to see what Mary Ann and company have designed and gathered from the far corners of the world to share with us. I will post details as they come.
January 9, 2009 3:59 PM
pleasurable pause press said...
Now that the fairy dust is settling regarding actually publishing my book, I am setting my sight on how best to distribute it. And I think one place to start is to ask for a little help from my friends. If anyone has a bookstore, or favorite retail shop or library where you think 'Stay For Lunch' would fit nicely please leave me a note and I will follow up. Thanks again for all the nice reader comments and support.
January 16, 2009 4:09 PM
pleasurable pause press said...
I am starting to dream a little dream about organizing a Southern Book tour. I hope to find book stores/libraries/book clubs in Virginia and North Caroloina and then hopefully end my tour in Atanta where the story began. They say you have to dream first! I'll keep you posted.
January 29, 2009 5:51 AM
pleasurable pause press said...
Just had the pleasure of booking the first venue of my Southern Book Signing tour at the wonderful boutique, The Potpourri, in Pinehurst, North Carolina. 'Stay For Lunch' will be showcased there along with some fresh cheese biscuits on Friday, April 10th. Please stop by if you are in the area. Pinehurst in spring...I can hardly wait.
March 10, 2009 5:43 PM
pleasurable pause press said...
I am really such a baby at blogging. Hopefully I will become savvy enough not to embed my own posts! Or Whatever! And will be having brilliant discussions regarding all things creative soon.
March 18, 2009 1:36 PM
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Friday, April 17, 2009

My new friends say the loveliest things

Last December, I was thrilled to introduce 'Stay for Lunch' to the Spa at Miraval when it was hot off the press. A previous visit there served as a great inspiration for me to actually produce the book so I returned with it as a 'thank you' and donated one to the Quiet Room. Set in Tucson, Miraval is one of those places that refreshes your mind, body and spirit in a very special way. (It's one of Oprahs favorite places on earth). It was sheer coincidence (although nothing at Miraval ever feels as much like coincidence as it does destiny) that Miraval was hosting an author's week and had the most wonderful group of authors as guests. I had the pleasure of hiking, doing outdoor challenge courses, eating, drinking and connecting with some of our best, most inspiring writers and left Miraval proud to know them as new friends.

One of those women was British comedienne Alison Larkin. She is the author of The English American, a best-seller. Here's what she has to say about my book:

"Stay For Lunch is a delightful gem of a book that touches the soul."

Thank you Alison!

And then Amy Cohen, best selling author of The Late Bloomer's Revolution said this-

"You'll want to stay for lunch, dinner and even breakfast the next morning reading Anne Goodiwn's sweet, moving account of her friendship with Francina. It's a wonderful gift for a friend who may not know that she changed your life and the perfect way of saying thank you."

Wow! Thank you, thank you.

Friendly visitor

On my tours, I'll be mixing family with work. Here, my son Ben, surveys the setting. 

25 books sold!

Through the Spring and Summer, I am bringing Stay for Lunch to a whole new set of appearances at a variety of venues: gift stores, bookstores, libraries, senior centers and so on.
If last weekend's appearance at the gift shop, The Potpourri, in Pinehurst NC, is any indication, then I am excited about meeting many readers.  At this book signing , we sold 25 books! Thank you, Eldora Wood, proprietor of The Potpourri, for such a lovely and welcoming location.