Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Dance

9 September 2013

Happy Birthday Nancy!

I miss you mom. Your ready smile, your hugs, your voice...with its low, long, deep cadences.
'Yeeesssss...Deeeelightful....Marrrrvelous....these are the words you surrounded yourself with
when all others had left the room.  Your pin point awareness never left your side thankfully.
Those sparkling blues knew what time it was always.
Until you were ready to say good bye.  To move beyond the body that served you well for
so long and then so utterly let you down.  Your grace through that process remains unmatched.
And was such a gift to all of us who muddled through your discomfort.  You eased our pain
as we hurt for you.  The ultimate mom gift.  Now as time distances us and you are truly free,
I feel your spirit live strong.  Marvelous!  Delightful!  Yes!