Friday, July 31, 2009


Greetings! Just learned that my 'contact' button on my website has not been working quite right.
My feelings were becoming a little hurt because I never heard from all those people who promised to email me from my website so I did a little test and discovered I've been unattached.
Darn it. Anyway, if by chance, you are someone who did try to reach me, to comment on the book or just say 'hey' please try again! Love to hear from you. best. a.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's a Gold!

Greetings after a little book hiatus. After finding out that my medal was indeed a sole Gold IPPY awarded in the inspirational/spiritual category of the Independent Book Publishers awards (the category with the most number of entrants), I returned to New York with my friends Jeanne and Dawn (team Anne we called ourselves) to attend the spectacular IPPY awards event. What fun to meet other IPPY recipients and learn of the fabulous books that independent publishers produce each year. I was proud to be in such fine company and compliment the event organizers and judges who commit so much time and attention to recognizing our efforts. And I must admit the gold sticker looks pretty darn good on my book.

Since then I've been enjoying some quiet time at my cottage on Pleasant Lake as I plan for the next phase of introducing Stay For Lunch to the world-at-large. Stay tuned for more info on that front. And it was my pleasure to chat with a Pleasant Lake Book Club in the 1920's one room lake cottage that belonged to my mother-in-law, Kathryn Goodwin who was a dear friend, inspiration and first fan of my writing attempts. We had a lovely discussion centered around my 'Francina's Calling' bookmarks. People actually told me the experience was life changing for them. Francina would have been thrilled to hear that her simple messages are still making ripples and shining light on peoples' lives. This is fun.