Sunday, February 27, 2011

Be Open.

Greetings... a common word and I've found a maybe not so common action.  That's why I love my community, Beloit, Wisconsin.  We are a city of greeters.  And I am not talking about the ones Walmart hires to man their front doors.  I am speaking of our every day lives. We make a point to greet each other on a regular basis.  Walking down the street, in store aisles, strangers passing... actually lock eyes and acknowledge each other.  As I travel, I make it a point to test other places' 'greetability pulses' and am often surprisingly disappointed.  Cities and towns that I love to visit and explore, amaze me with their singularly focused citizens passing each other by.  One of my little  ' Francina's Calling!'  life lessons bookmarks states 'Be open. Choose To Connect'.  And Beloit is a place where we choose to connect.  Thank God.  Maybe it translates to a Wisconsin tradition, where else can we gather 80,000plus people in four square blocks, coexist passionately and civilly without one recorded  incident of  true disconnect?  Sometimes I am hopelessly naive about the willingness of strangers to choose to connect.  I was so pleasantly surprised one fine, sun-shiny May day in Manhattan. I was just plain happy strolling down 38th street and about fell over when a man sitting on a stoop said aloud to me 'Hey, how ya doin'!.' Just as I smiled back at him and started to reply, I heard him say next 'What time are you comin'?" which is when I noticed the  Blue Tooth in his ear and realized he was not greeting me after all.  Ever hopeful, I smiled at him and moved on.  And continue to greet, in true Beloit fashion, one and all.