Sunday, February 27, 2011

Be Open.

Greetings... a common word and I've found a maybe not so common action.  That's why I love my community, Beloit, Wisconsin.  We are a city of greeters.  And I am not talking about the ones Walmart hires to man their front doors.  I am speaking of our every day lives. We make a point to greet each other on a regular basis.  Walking down the street, in store aisles, strangers passing... actually lock eyes and acknowledge each other.  As I travel, I make it a point to test other places' 'greetability pulses' and am often surprisingly disappointed.  Cities and towns that I love to visit and explore, amaze me with their singularly focused citizens passing each other by.  One of my little  ' Francina's Calling!'  life lessons bookmarks states 'Be open. Choose To Connect'.  And Beloit is a place where we choose to connect.  Thank God.  Maybe it translates to a Wisconsin tradition, where else can we gather 80,000plus people in four square blocks, coexist passionately and civilly without one recorded  incident of  true disconnect?  Sometimes I am hopelessly naive about the willingness of strangers to choose to connect.  I was so pleasantly surprised one fine, sun-shiny May day in Manhattan. I was just plain happy strolling down 38th street and about fell over when a man sitting on a stoop said aloud to me 'Hey, how ya doin'!.' Just as I smiled back at him and started to reply, I heard him say next 'What time are you comin'?" which is when I noticed the  Blue Tooth in his ear and realized he was not greeting me after all.  Ever hopeful, I smiled at him and moved on.  And continue to greet, in true Beloit fashion, one and all.


Kate Mohler said...

I love communities like Beloit, and the people from them. I'm from Minnesota and it's friendly like this. People wave at your from their cars! My dear friend who just passed away was from Wisconsin, and she truly embodies the "be open" spirit of Wisconsin. Cheers to your state! :-)

stay for lunch said...

So lovely to be on my way to the Farmers Market preview in downtown Beloit yesterday and have at least five strangers smile and say hello to me as I passed them on my bike. As a part time Madisonian I keep trying to break through the no eye-contact standard that seems to be the rule in that fine city but to no avail. Wonderful to be back in the land of greeters!

Unknown said...

So true my friend! Beloit is comfortable like an old shoe. If you embrace it and be open amazing things can and will happen. I am proud to say I am no stranger to Beloit.

stay for lunch said...

Beautifully stated Becky!